leaf leftleaf right
17 September 2024

New Added reset option in analytics (You can now reset all analytics data, including views, feedback, and searches).

Fixed Issue with TranslatePress plugin fixed by resolving the slug issue

Fixed Assistant search result special character issue resolved

Fixed Print option for onepage docs resolved

Fixed Keyword alignment issue fixed (Elementor search widget)

Tweaked Reverted back the base slug structure as before

Tweaked Badge design improved

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.8.0

31 July 2024

New Added instant display of articles inside the assistant (Implemented a new feature that allows the assistant to fetch and display full articles directly within the assistant interface.)

New Added “Who Can Check Analytics?” in settings

New Enabled cookie to the selected comment switcher

Fixed Edit and Add doc button 404 issue resolved

Tweaked Improved login form

Tweaked compatibility with EazyDocs Free v2.5.1

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.7.3

23 May 2024

New Feedback switcher button for selected comment has added

Fixed Vulnerability issue solved for custom slug field

Fixed Solved analytics views problem

Fixed Solved OnePage Doc responsive issue

Tweaked Secured and Validated slug with special characters saved already in User Database

Tweaked Footnotes code re-structured

Tweaked improved Conditional dropdown with TOC visibility

Tweaked Changed field (Who Can Edit Settings)

Tweaked Resolved mobile screen clickability issues for Docs Flat Tabbed preset tab buttons in Elementor widget

Tweaked Selected comment feature improved

Tweaked Assistant tabs are rebuild by hook

Tweaked Footnotes code re-structured and improved the design

Tweaked Subscribe modal & form design improved

09 April 2024

Note Read the release note with videos and screenshots here https://spider-themes.net/eazydocs/eazydocs-premium-version-2-0-0-update-changes/

New Book chapter Elementor widget (unlocked in the Pro plan)

New Subscription feature integrated. Users can subscribe to any document, When creating a new document within a subscription, users will receive notifications via email. (unlocked in the Pro-MAX plan)

New Doc Root URL format option added in the ‘Settings > Docs General’ page. Now user can select custom slug or remove the ‘docs’ slug

New Unique views option added in the “EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Single > General” page to stop counting views from page reload.

New Feedback on Selected Text feature added in the “EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Single > Feedback Area” page (unlocked in the Pro-MAX plan)

Fixed Doc assistant search field issue on pages

Tweaked Footnotes Improved. Now, you can add footnotes in the Gutenberg editor toolbar.

Tweaked Conditional content feature improved. Now, you can add/apply conditional content in the Gutenberg editor toolbar.

14 January 2024

Tweaked Doc Assistant design improved (search form, active tab state, etc.)

Tweaked Improved internal documentation

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.6.2

29 December 2023

Fixed Glossary Tooltip design

Fixed Analytics views problem

25 December 2023

Fixed Install and Activate Free version button were not working

Fixed MultiDocs Elementor widget’s design was breaking on the frontend

Fixed An issue causing restrictions on table functionality from wpDataTables within EazyDocs Pro

Fixed Doc Assistant Contact Form was not working

Fixed Undefined function issue which function was called from free plugin

Fixed Wrong ordering issue solved in the Docs Builder page in the admin dashboard (Was wrong ordering when Add Doc from Frontend)

New Assistant display location options added in the EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Assistant. Now, you can choose where you want to show the assistant.

Tweaked Compatibility added with the latest free version of EazyDocs (2.3.7)

Tweaked The language (.pot) file updated

15 November 2023

Tweaked Code reformatted and file restructured to make it more readable and maintainable

Tweaked The language (.pot) file updated

Tweaked Removed some unnecessary or optional codes from the plugin to improve the performance

Tweaked Made compatible with the latest free version of EazyDocs (2.3.5)

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.6.0

05 November 2023

Fixed A PHP error in the includes/functions.php file

Tweaked The language (.pot) file updated

Tweaked The doc assistant in dark mode improved

02 November 2023

Tweaked Styling options for the Glossary Elementor widget

Tweaked Removed bootstrap dependency from the whole plugin

Fixed Keywords alignment was not working in the Search Form Elementor widget

Fixed Contributor list and count was not showing correctly in the Collaborative Docs design of MultiDocs Elementor widget

Fixed MultiDocs Tab Arrow was showing incorrectly

Fixed Undefined array key error on the Analytics page in the admin dashboard

12 October 2024

Fixed The Padding settings wasn’t working on the Search Banner Block

Fixed ul,ol was style was conflicting with theme css

Tweaked Added shortcode support inside footnote

17 September 2024

New Added a secondary title option for long titles, allowing you to display a shorter title in the left sidebar.

New Added an option to show/hide the main title on single pages via ‘EazyDocs > Settings > General’.

Fixed User access issue with settings customizer options

Fixed Shortcode block settings issue fixed

Fixed The ‘Prev’ button at the bottom of the content page were not working

Fixed Empty meta fields creation issue resolved

Fixed Removed data-bs-spy attribute to fix Docy tab active state issue

Fixed Parent doc link background and color option added ‘EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Single’

Tweaked Ul, Ol design improved

Tweaked Wrong escaping removed

Tweaked Removed settings link from admin bar

Tweaked Added some CSS for rtl

Tweaked Tags based result display in search result

Tweaked Promax notice added for subscription & selected comment feature

Tweaked Search Elementor widget level text locked “popular” with pro

11 August 2024

New Added a Switcher in the (Settings > Doc Single > General > Full Excerpt) for showing full excerpt in the parent doc page

Fixed Fixed search banner issue

Fixed Resolved the issue with 404 errors by removing the post type slug from URL

25 July 2024

New Setup wizard added

New Parent doc on the top of the Doc title

Tweaked Made the Font size switching compatible with heading tags

Fixed All code of EazyDocs is re-reviewed and fixed some security and vulnerability issues. Now, EazyDocs is more secured.

Fixed Previous doc link was not showing correctly on the Doc navigation

23 May 2024

New Added Import/Export Option for Settings. now you’re able to export your settings from ‘EazyDocs > Settings > Backup’ and you can import it another site

Fixed Some sanitization function was misused in the plugin. Now, all the functions are properly sanitized and escaped.

Fixed TOC auto numbering & Label color option

Fixed Solved Font size switcher overlapping issue

Fixed Settings menu capability related fatal error resolved

Fixed SMTP conflict issue resolved

Fixed Block theme hamburger and mobile menu issue solved

Fixed Solved the Doc password protection form deprecated issues

Tweaked improved navigation and feedback switcher Settings

Tweaked Close the Feedback form on pressing the ESC button

11 April 2024

New Some Control fields (Show/hide switcher, title field) are added for Articles in the ‘EazyDocs > Settings > Doc Single > General’ page

Fixed An error notice “This block has encountered an error and cannot be previewed” was showing on editing the existing gutenberg blocks

Fixed Uncaught TypeError in /eazydocs/includes/Admin/template/header.php on line 53

Fixed Deprecated: Increment on non-alphanumeric string is deprecated in /eazydocs/includes/Admin/template/child-docs.php on line 10

Fixed Deprecated: Increment on non-alphanumeric string is deprecated in /eazydocs/includes/Admin/template/parent-docs.php on line 17

Tweaked Some settings are organized to control in ease (Settings > Doc Single > General)

Tweaked Moved Docs archive options in the ‘EazyDocs Shortcode’ block (No need to go to the settings page to change the Docs archive options)

Tweaked Responsive design improved on the doc details page

Tweaked Integrated dynamic popular keywords option in the EazyDocs Search widget

Tweaked Book chapter layout improved

Tweaked Improved the doc middle content on the big screen

Tweaked Necessary support added for EazyDocs Premium version 2.0.0

14 January 2024

Fixed Delete and Create doc secured by user role (user who has not the capability to delete or create doc, they can’t delete or create doc)

Fixed Feedback Email field did not work in incognito mode

Fixed Solved fatal error by reverting a function name with template override

Fixed Archive page masonry layout was not working

Tweaked Doc excerpt design improved with non-bootstrap based themes

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.6.2

29 December 2023

Fixed Resolved the issue with the show more button in Single Doc elementor widget preset 4

Fixed The problem with Analytics views

Tweaked Added an option in the settings for dynamic popular keywords in the doc search form

Tweaked Notification dropdown box design improved

New Users can now delete their own documents

25 December 2023

Fixed In some cases, the doc creation was not working

Tweaked Compatibility with any block theme (the header and footer of block theme will show properly)

Tweaked Compatibility with the latest EazyDocs Pro v1.4.3

Tweaked The Feedback form is now more secure

Updated Language (.pot) file

17 December 2023

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.6.1

Tweaked Users role replaced by their capabilities – Followed by org review

Fixed theme check in ezd_unlock_themes (Merge pull request #10 from EazyDocs Github repository)

10 December 2023

Fixed COMPATIBILITY ISSUE WITH WPDATATABLES PLUGIN SOLVED (the plugin was conflicting with the EazyDocs plugin)

Fixed In some cases, the drag-n-drop doc ordering was not working on the Docs builder UI

Fixed Table of content navigation active issue with scrolling on Doc single page

Fixed Mixitup JS library was missing, ERROR 500 on the admin side

Fixed Resolved a critical issue causing an E_ERROR at line 168 in the feedback.php file.

Tweaked Data secured by nonce and sanitized output – followed by wp.org standards and best practices

Tweaked Single Doc page and OnePage Doc frontend design improved in 4k resolution display

Tweaked The “Docs Page” option moved to the Archive tab in the EazyDocs > Settings > Docs Archive page

Tweaked Frontend design improved (Doc single page, OnePage Doc, Feedback modal)

Tweaked Rating notice text updated with created doc count

Tweaked Modified user feedback settings to make them private, restricting visitor access from the frontend.

Tweaked Implemented measures to make user feedback non-accessible, preventing Google indexing for enhanced privacy.

Tweaked Doc Builder UI design improved

Tweaked Removed some unnecessary files and code (normalize.css)

Tweaked Added “Breadcrumb” show/hide option in the Settings > Doc Single > Search Banner, so that a user can enable or disable the breadcrumbs in the search Ajax results

Updated eazydocs.pot file in the languages folder

17 November 2023

Fixed Shortcode wasn’t rendering in the doc content area.

Fixed Console error for the Conditional dropdown on the right sidebar (unlocked in EazyDocs Pro, Docy and Docly themes)

Fixed Conditional dropdown was conflicting with Bootstrap based themes (removed the bootstrap-select JS and made it with custom JS)

Fixed On Doc single page, the left sidebar doc menu item’s child expand icon (which has children item) click wasn’t working as expected

15 November 2023

Fixed Left sidebar arrow icon toggle not working on Ajax load

Fixed Some JS was not working on the Ajax loaded content

New Right sidebar template added OnePage Doc (unlocked in Docy, Docly themes and EazyDocs Premium plans)

Tweaked Improved the OnePage Doc design

Tweaked Improved the custom framework CSS to avoid conflict with other frameworks, themes and plugins

Tweaked Deleted some unnecessary codes and files

Tweaked Sidebar open icon made smaller on mobile device to adjust spacing with the doc content

Tweaked Properly sanitized $wpdb queries and custom SQL queries to avoid SQL injection vulnerabilities (Thanks to the EazyDocs users for the report)

Tweaked Compatibility with FSE/block themes (tested with ‘Twenty Twenty-Four’ and ‘Twenty Twenty-Three’ improved

Tweaked Feedback modal UX improved (the modal will close on clicking on the modal overlay area)

Updated Freemius SDK updated to 2.6.0

05 November 2023

Tweaked Full width layout improved (padding adjusted)

Tweaked Hover state improved on the current Doc item on the Left sidebar on the single doc page.

Fixed Keywords were missing in the Search Banner block (unlocked in Docy, Docly themes and EazyDocs Premium plans)

03 November 2023

Note The EazyDocs Search Form widget re-structured and improved. If you are using the EazyDocs Search Form widget on your site, you may need to re-configure the widget settings.

New Submit button position, border radius and Form Width fields are added in the EazyDocs Search Elementor widget

Fixed Console error on block editor if the ‘EazyDocs Search Banner’ block is used on the page

Tweaked EazyDocs Search Elementor widget’s markup, design and design improved

Tweaked Ajax Search results styling improved

Tweaked Made the Block’s assets load conditional. Now the assets will load only if the block is used on the page.

Tweaked Deleted some unnecessary files (src/shortcode/block-shortcode-render.php) and code

Tweaked Code structure improved