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Answer customer queries and build relationships with bbPress Forum integration.

19 December 2023

Fixed FAQ Tabs widget was conflicting if more than one FAQ widget was added on the same page

Fixed Deprecated function issue in the Elementor widgets

Fixed Alert widget design issue

Tweaked Dark mode colors improved

Tweaked Compatibility with the latest EazyDocs plugin improved

06 December 2023

Fixed Post types dropdown.

29 November 2023

New Added breadcrumb hide option on search result (Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner).

New Added thumbnail hide option on search result (Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner).

Tweaked The “Color Scheme” option renamed to “Appearance” in the Theme Settings page.

Tweaked Replies created tab design improved on the bbPress user profile page (spacing, search form, pagination).

Fixed PHP error fixed in the Replies Created tab of the bbPress user profile page.

Fixed Codestar deprecated issues.

Fixed Main Menu on header dark mode issue.

21 November 2023

Tweaked Mobile menu improved (Dark mode switcher, logo in the side menu)

Tweaked Removed some unnecessary codes

Tweaked Dark mode colors improved (table, navbar, etc.)

Tweaked Forum design improved

25 October 2023

New Added header SearchBar Width option in the ‘Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner’ page.

Tweaked Default brand color changed to #0866ff to make the design more clean and minimal.

Tweaked Dark Mode ‘Elementor Container and icon box widget control’.

Tweaked Dark mode colors improved

Tweaked Gradient background applied to the Category and Tag archive pages

Tweaked Dequeued the ‘bbp-default’ CSS file from the bbPress plugin to improve the theme’s loading performance

Fixed Pro Elements plugin was not installing with the One Click Demo Import

Fixed In some cases, forum.css CSS file wasn’t loading on the bbPress shortcode pages

Fixed Forum threading replies was broken (You can enable threading from Settings > Forum, then check the 2nd step replies)

12 September 2023

New Elementor Template Library Integration. Now you can import the Elementor all section and page templates from the Docy Template Library.

New Top Menu added in the Header area. You can enable it from the ‘Theme Settings > Header > Top Header’ page.

Tweak Add global options for Post banner style (Theme Settings > Blog > Single Post)

Tweaked Doc single page breadcrumb width adjusted with the content width

Tweaked Blog pagination hover and active state design improved

Tweaked Navigation menu search form design (focus state, size balance, etc.) improved

Tweaked Theme’s default elements style improved (blockquote, code, pre, etc.)

Tweaked Some design improved

Updated wooCommerce outdated template files.

12 July 2023

Fixed Header wide width was applying on the Full page template. Now, it will only apply on the Header template.

Fixed Video post format video animation was breaking on some random posts.

Tweaked Blog post format icon controls improved

Tweaked Dark mode colors improved

Tweaked Integration with the latest EazyDocs plugin improved

25 June 2023

Note This is a major update. Please read the changelog and the blog post (https://tinyurl.com/y8r96t24) carefully before updating the theme.

New Redux framework plugin replaced with builtin Theme Settings (Deactivate the Redux framework plugin to avoid conflict with the builtin Theme Settings).

New Added Dark Mode Color Controls in Elementor (You can find the dark mode controls in the Elementor Advanced Tab).

New Added post format icon for blog post title (To add/change the blog post format icon, go to Theme Settings > Blog Pages > Post Format Icon and select the icon from the dropdown).

Tweaked Gutenburg editor compatibility (default block style improved and some block settings are adjusted that were not working in the block editor).

Tweaked Product details page design improved (Subtitle shadow added on product image box, Sale price, product tabs, review form consent checkbox, etc).

Updated wooCommerce outdated template files.

Updated Deprecated demo importer plugin functions.

Updated Demo Contents.

13 May 2023

Tweaked Responsive view on mobile devices improved

Tweaked Some design improved

Tweaked Integration with the latest EazyDocs plugin improved

Fixed Forum Call to Action text was not changing from the Theme Settings > Forums > Forum Archive page

Fixed FAQ Tabs widget was conflicting if more than one FAQ widget was added on the same page

11 April 2023

Tweaked bbPress user profile page design improved (https://youtu.be/xtOH_BYn8qs)

Tweaked Form fields style improved

Tweaked Info box Elementor widget improved (if link is not added, the link icon won’t show, textarea field added for description text)

Tweaked Gradient background applied on all bbPress pages (forum, topic, reply, user profile, etc.)

Fixed Topics Started, Forum Replies, Engagements tabs of bbPress user profile page

28 March 2023

Fixed Docs widget’s style was missing

27 March 2023

Fixed Forum sidebar wasn’t appearing on the Forum archive page

Fixed Top Call to Action wasn’t showing on the Forum archive page (You can enable it from the Theme Settings > Forums > Forum Archive page)

Updated Demo contents

Tweaked 404 Error page design improved (arrow icon position aligned according to the button context, responsive view improved)

Tweaked Sidebar column width adjusted when the TOC wasn’t enabled on the Blog Single Post page

Tweaked Deleted some unnecessary options (Theme Settings > Forums > Topics Archive options)

Tweaked Deleted some unnecessary CSS

26 February 2023

Fixed The Blog Post’s Classic and Curved Shape Title-bar was not showing on the Blog Single Post page

Tweaked Search results page design improved

Tweaked TOC enabled on Blog Single Post (All Variations)

Tweaked Recent Post, Calendar and Search widget design improved

Tweaked Dark mode colors improved

Tweaked Blog Grid layout and sidebar design improved

Tweaked Video post format design improved

Tweaked Shop page design improved

Tweaked wooCommerce Checkout page design improved

Tweaked Direction shortcode rendering improved with text & visual editor mode

01 February 2023

New Added a dedicated single page for the Elementor templates library to improve the template editing experience.

New Curved Layout banner type for blog post

Tweaked Dark mode integration improved

Tweaked Single post view on mobile devices improved

Tweaked Calendar widget/block design improved

Tweaked Dark mode colors improved

Tweaked Made the Sticky tab position sticky in the tab content area. Previously, it was stick on the whole page

Tweaked Forum Private reply design improved

Tweaked Deleted some unnecessary code

Updated wooCommerce template files

09 January 2023

New Banner background style option added for the Search Banner in Theme Settings > Header > Search Banner

New Menu items description text support added for the Menu items

New Share options for blog single post

Fixed Issue with Tooltips Elementor widget

Fixed Image placeholder (alt text) was showing when Featured image missed on the Forum Topic Ajax sorting

Fixed Some plugins were not installing with the One Click Demo Import

Tweaked Link style improved

Tweaked FAQ limit option added for the FAQ Elementor widget

Tweaked Tab widget dark mode support improved

Tweaked Dark mode color improved for the Accordion widget

Tweaked Mobile view improved