Did You Know?

Enjoy automatic updates and hassle-free content creation with the powerful drag-and-drop builder.

Knowledgebase Features

Beautiful designs, powerful features, and the freedom to build anything you want. Everything you need to run an effective knowledge base

Onepage Documentation

Onepage documentation format will generate all the pages of a Doc as sections in a single page which is scrollable by sections. You can create OnePage documentation from your pre-made docs with Docy.

Rating & Feedback

Allow readers to rate your content, or provide more thorough feedback if they can’t find an answer. Combine this with Analytics and make articles better for readers.

Read time, Views Count

Let readers know the total read time and total views count of an article (ex: 2 Minutes to read) to let them know how popular a article.

Reading Assistant Tools

There are available some important tools for better reading experience. Font Size switcher, Print option, TOC are developed for a consistent reading experience.

Simple Navigation

The tree view navigation helps readers to visualize the full structure of your doc. Helping them to move from one category to another easily.

Forum Features

All bbPress pages are designed with care but the theme doesn’t just support bbPress. It will take your bbPress forum to the next level!

Visual Editor for Users

Your forum users can compose their reply, topic with a visual editor. No need to memorize any shortcode.

Advanced Topics Filtering

Visitor can filter the Forum Topics by different criteria. As like, by Author, Tags, Most Commented, Least Commented etc.

Solved Topic & Best Answer

You can mark a topic as solved and you can select the best answer. This is a great feature specifically for support forums.

Envato API integrated

We integrated the Smart bbPress nVerify plugin and included it with the theme. Envato authors can provide support for customers using Docy.

Solved Topic & Best Answer

You can mark a topic as solved and you can select the best answer. This is a great feature specifically for support forums.

Ask Questions

Users can ask their question on your Forum from the website frontend.

Private Reply

When someone marks his/her reply as private, only admins and moderators can view the reply.

Icon for User Rules

You can set icons for the each individual forum user roles. Individual icons help visitors to identify the forum users.
