Drag-n-drop ordering and nesting
Nesting and re-ordering have never before been so easy. You can easily drag-n-drop your docs to order them. Also, you can nest docs by Drag-n-Drop to create, and re-organize a hierarchical structure. Take a look at the process in action–
Elementor Widgets
Docs, Single Doc, and Doc Search Form Elementor widgets are added. You can use the widgets in the Elementor page builder to build your Docs page.
Docs Widget: The Docs widget will let you display the Docs you built on the dashboard with EazyDocs. This widget has one design variation in the Free version and the rest of the variations (5) are available in the Pro version. You can filter the output by deciding which docs to exclude, how many docs to show, and choose the order.
Single Doc: This widget displays the Docs individually with the children’s docs.
Search Form: You can display and customize the Docs Search form with this Elementor widget.
Opt-In v.2.0
Following tons of feedback, we are excited to introduce the next generation of our opt-in screen.
In addition to the slicker UI:
- The opt-in copy underwent a significant overhaul to better communicate the purpose of the opt-in screen as well as what can be expected when opting in.
- The permissions list was reviewed thoroughly to ensure it covers exactly what’s shared when opting in.
- We switched the framing of the copy from “How it helps developers” to “How it helps you” — “you” being the user installing the product. This helps to emphasize the user benefits of opting in.
- New tooltips were added to most permissions, adding more context to how sharing the info benefits users.
- To minimize confusion among users unaware of Freemius, we removed the Freemius logo from the opt-in screen. We updated the permissions micro-message to clarify that opting in means sharing the info with the product’s team. Basically, this positions Freemius as the opt-in facilitator and data processor.
‘Anonymous’ License Activation
Like the opt-in, the license activation also went through a similar UI and framing refresh. What’s even more exciting is that licenses can now be activated with a minimal data footprint. This means only sharing the essentials needed for license & updates delivery engine:
- Homepage URL
- Plugin version
- Whether the product is active (or uninstalled)
That’s it!
So anyone who is extra sensitive about privacy can easily expand the permissions list and toggle off the new Diagnostic Info permission. This skips the sharing of WordPress & PHP versions, and site language & title.
User IP Sharing — No More!
For context, the IP was used to identify users’ geolocation to help developers recognize which languages & regions their plugin/theme should be translated and tailored to. It can also be used for security purposes to flag suspicious activity and prevent impersonation.
Even though it was only shared with user consent upon opting in, we have re-evaluated the need for this data point and decided to remove it altogether. Along with the user IP removal, we’ve also stopped sharing the nickname of the opting-in user — this was used as a placeholder when the user had an empty first and last name.
Granular Opt-Out Permissions
To make the opt-in permissions more flexible and allow users to pick and choose what they want to share, our team has introduced a brand new permissions management layer for our free and paid plugins.
Clicking the Opt Out action link now opens a new dialog box where users can selectively choose which of the permissions they want to opt out from or keep sharing:
The granular permissions support new states that were not supported before. For example, a user can stay subscribed to receive email updates from the product team while opting out from sharing diagnostic info about their WordPress environment.
And here’s how it looks for the paid plugin:
website not working. can’t login or purchase either.