Explore the latest updates of Advanced Accordion! With new features, improved styling, and bug fixes, this Gutenberg block keeps your FAQs dynamic and engaging.
New language file added
Tweaked Reorganized controls & structure
Tweaked Improved default accordion design
Tweaked Improved custom colorpicker
Tweaked lib folder name renamed to assets to organize all CSS and JS files in a single folder
New Nested Accordion Support (Now, you can use an accordion within another accordion, allowing for better content structuring and organization)
New Accordion Usage Table Dashboard added on admin panel (Now, you can see where your accordions are used in pages or posts and track how many times a specific accordion appears on a single page/post)
New Added Custom Recovery Button On top toolbar that recovers all recovery block in a single click (If you see the attempt recovery notice, you’ll find a button on the top toolbar. Clicking it will dismiss all recovery notices instantly)
New Added Pattern Design (We’ve added pre-designed patterns to make your accordions look more stylish and visually appealing with just a few clicks)
Tweaked Improved the color picker (We’ve made the color picker more intuitive and compact, simplifying the design for a smoother user experience)
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.11.0
New You can now set a unique ID in the Group/Separate accordion block
Fixed HTML anchor issue
Fixed Translatable accordion title (previously it was not translatable with the WPML plugin)
Tweaked Removed the ‘Active accordion border’ option from “Q/A” style
Tweaked Now you can set separate IDs in every accordion
Fixed Icon change option of group accordion
Tweaked Focus border color removed from Separate Accordion block
Tweaked Added padding support in accordion body (Previously, padding support was only available for the header. Now, it has been added to both the header and body)
Tweaked Moved the styling options to parent in the Group Accordion
Tweaked Adding some padding in the content are of every single accordion
Tweaked Deprecated function updated
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.10.1
Fixed Attempt recovery issue fixed
Fixed Undefined issue resolved
New Added deprecated function
Fixed Pattern compatibility issue fixed
Fixed Resolved some option issues
Tweaked Improved some settings
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.9.0
Fixed Hard to click on separate accordion content section
Fixed The separate accordion icon was not centered
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.7.4
Fixed PRO notice issue resolved (The issue was occurred on editor style tab where any block is used)
Fixed Group accordion active style issue fixed
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.7.3
New Added FAQ schema option. Now, you’re able to turn on FAQ schema for your accordion
New Accordion headings keyboard-navigable
New Added Question & Answer style layout
Fixed Resolve Accordion focus issue
Fixed Resolve icon change & position option
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.7.2
Tweaked Style & Script loaded conditionally
Tweaked Move the styling fields to Styles tab
Updated Freemius SDK to 2.6.1
Tweaked Removed some unnecessary links
General Changed the plugin ownership to spider-themes
General Plugin’s page moved under the WordPress Settings page from Tools page
General Plugin’s welcome page design changed/improved
General Adding new Group Accordion block
General Adding animation
General Fixing minor issues
General Click event issue fixing
General Id for accordion
General Linked Accordion feature
General Disable Accordion feature
General Block Patterns added
General A Major updates with a lot of changes
General Remoe jQuery dependency
General Fix Border Complicity
General More Icons and Icons separate styling
General Border Radius
General Active Accordion on Page Load**
General Custom Margin & Padding Options
General Nested Accordion
General Accordion Container Border
General Accordion head & body color & background
New Added a “Show More” button option for Group Accordion, allowing you to enable/disable it and set the number of items displayed per click
New Added a new feature called “Labels” for every single accordion (Now you can add a custom text label beside your Single accordion title, making it easier to highlight key information and categorize content effectively)
New Added Account page in the dashboard (For Pro user)
New Added set color & background control for category filter buttons
Fixed Resolved accordion search highlight issue
Tweaked Made the anchor.js conditional to load the it on demand
Tweaked Moved Anchor link, Faq schema, Activator Event option under the “More Features” option
New Added Search Highlight Feature in the Search Functionality (Now, the searched keyword will be highlighted, making it easier to spot within the content)
New Alignment Support for the Open/Close All Button (You can now position the button to the left, right, or center for better layout flexibility)
New Added Filter Tabs by Category (Category filtering now available! Set tags in the parent accordion to easily filter and display content dynamically)
Tweaked Improved feedback voting system & integration voting with Database
New Featured Icon (Now, you can set an Icon/image on the accordion header from ‘Accordion Head > Show heading icon’)
New Subheading support (You can add a subheading below the main heading of accordion)
New Added a custom css field in the block editor
New Added Q/A style in the separate accordion block
Tweaked improved the Accordion Search Placeholder text color
Tweaked improved the ‘Read more’ functionality
New Added an field for changing ‘Congratulation’ message of steps layout
Fixed Read more button option
Fixed Border control for group accordion
Fixed Dynamic padding for Q/A style
Tweaked Open/Close All options improved
Tweaked Updated feedback markup
Fixed The separate accordion continue icon box was not circular
Fixed The read more button issue in the group accordion block
Tweaked Separate accordion block is keyboard navigable
New Added Checklist feature
Fixed Steps Layout issue fixed (“Congratulations, you are done!” only shows if the step is enabled)
Fixed voting counter issue style problem fixed
Fixed Search option issue fixed
Tweaked The step & Checklist option goes under radio button in the right sidebar Settings Panel
Tweaked Move anchor link show/hide options to individual item to group item
Tweaked Activator Event “Autoplay” option removed
New Added Step layout. You can change the accordion layout to step layout to allow user navigate step by step.